Monday, June 10, 2013

Don't get Older (in your Mind Anyway)

Some people have a wonderful capacity to appreciate again and again, freshly and naively, the basic goods of life, with awe, pleasure, wonder, and even ecstasy.
Abraham H. Maslow(
Photo: Blog: "Don’t Let An Old Person Move In" You’re no longer in your 30’s, maybe not even in your 40’s anymore. So you’re getting older. But think of this: don’t let an old person move in, don’t let your mind-set become that of an old person. Don’t buy into the cliché that says that when you’re older you’re no ... click for more
Keep your sense of wonder and stay in good physical shape!
I am so grateful for my return to good health. This time last year, I did not have the stamina and agility that I have to have on boat this year.


Ron Alexander Thanks Evelyn, I did that after my Brother was killed in Viet Nam - missed the whole Watergate thing and glad of it. Did not listen to news or read newspapers - completely sailed away and really became self-sufficient! And may do it again with a more green sailing machine

  • Evelyn Leonard Wright yes! time to do it again!!! with humor and love and prayer and meditation!

1 comment:

  1. ''May'' is the operative word here... sailing away physically does not assist with the internal forgiveness that is our true nature's goal. One cannot escape matter what path... Feeling, emotion, sharing love, supporting each other are the real reasons for existing on this earth.
