Sunday, May 12, 2013

Winds of Grace are Always Blowing

Beautiful (finally) sailing and fellowship with Veterans on Deck this weekend. 


Ron Alexander The best thing for me this weekend was how much my endurance, stamina, energy, vitality has increased hence my enthusiasm. I am so grateful for my nutrition coaches especially Joanna Grace Ducey who led me on a 18 day cleansing juice fast and has encouraged me since then. Also, Joe Cross and his great documentary Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead inspired me to try the juice fast. Dr. Droulliard who taught me a gentle but very effective gentle aerobics and my yoga teachers. My thinking is much clearer, and my relationships are much improved. Thank you All! Joanna, I am about ready for that after photo! (That photo here was a few months ago!) Yes!
I'm back from Charleston, thanks so much for all of you who liked and commented on my post below. I really appreciate my fb friends from all over the world, and of course, local ones, that I know personally. I wholeheartedly agree with Emmanuel Dagher:
Look at how much more miraculous we are by uniting together! Although it 'looks' like we are just connecting on Facebook, we are doing so much more than that. We are connecting on an energetic level in a way that is creating a massive shift in global consciousness. This is what our space is all about here. Energy knows no bounds. I'm so humbled to be part of this amazing journey with you & for all the feedback I receive of the miracles you are attracting in your life from being part of a community like this.
Photo: I'm back from Charleston, thanks so much for all of you who liked and commented on my post below. I really appreciate my fb friends from all over the world, and of course, local ones, that I know personally. I wholeheartedly agree with Emmanuel Dagher: 
Look at how much more miraculous we are by uniting together! Although it 'looks' like we are just connecting on Facebook, we are doing so much more than that. We are connecting on an energetic level in a way that is creating a massive shift in global consciousness. This is what our space is all about here. Energy knows no bounds. I'm so humbled to be part of this amazing journey with you & for all the feedback I receive of the miracles you are attracting in your life from being part of a community like this.
You don't have to be on a boat to "raise your sails" and enjoy Grace!

  • Angie Pennington Absolutely, Ron
    I often reflect on What Is Actually Happening
    The Winds of Change are certainly blowing FAIR



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