Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Plan to Make the Rest of your Life the Best of your Life

Photo: "Choose what state to cultivate to bring more happiness to your world. The next time you have a negative feeling say to yourself ‘I can now choose which state to be in’.’ I can look at this all and watch it dissolve’. ‘I can reinforce the state of happiness inside me’. This is a practice, start now. Rewire your brain."

Thanks Happy & Free to be ME

You put out some delicious meals CafeTruth, thanks!
"Choose what state to cultivate to bring more happiness to your world. The next time you have a negative feeling say to yourself ‘I can now choose which state to be in’.’ I can look at this all and watch it dissolve’. ‘I can reinforce the state of happiness inside me’. This is a practice, start now. Rewire your brain."

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