Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Opposing Oil Exploration of our Pristine Coast

Dear Editor concerning oil exploration,
Photo: "Let BP be the lesson for all of you when it comes to our oceans: "You break it, you buy it." That's a language you can all understand you greedy bastards."  --Real Coastal Warriors
I was ten years old when Hurricane Hazel devastated our beaches. I will never forget the whole front row of beach houses completely wiped out, 75 % of the second row. 50 % of the third row! Only some concrete blocks here and there and appliances floating in big tidal pools, houses split apart on 2nd and 3rd row and in different yards, left from the 40 ft. plus tidal wave that hit. My parents owned a small motel, and the big attraction was the big pure white sand beach and usually only small waves because of Long Bay protection. Now imagine the devastation with big blobs of black oil littering the beach. If fisherman from the Gulf Coast are interviewed, I bet they would give a completely different view of the Gulf BP spill than the ones presented in the article in the Sun News Thursday. Also, I bet if motel owners and people who benefit from the tourist industry would give a completely different view than the ones in the article . Have you ever been to Santa Barbara - one of the prettiest beaches in California yet the oil rigs offshore really detract from the view. Say no to oil exploration! Have you ever been to Holland? Wind mills are part of the attraction. Say yes to wind mills! And how in the world would wind mean increase in electricity - wind is free energy, so eventually, it would have to decrease electrical costs. Common sense, don't play dangerous games with our largest industry(tourism) - making sure our water and beaches are kept clean!  Say no to fossil fuel exploration, thanks Ron Alexander

Pamela Pollard Arrington: How horrible. It must take the ecology years and years to recover.
Ron Alexander: I know it does Pamela Pamela Pollard Arrington, and our coast, Long Bay named the Grand Strand is a long 90 mile curve of beautiful beaches that
is a magnet for tourists. The waves are usually fairly calm with the protection of the scalloped Bay. We have been told for years that the ocean floor here has little chance for much oil, but they talk about drilling deep and natural gas now, with the promise of ''jobs''? For a few years, there is a group of us, pushing for wind mills offshore, as also because of the Bay, they can built beyond sight, as it is shallow way out. Besides, windmills are a lot prettier than oil rigs. And the winds are free and everlasting unlike the toxic fossil fuels.

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