Thursday, May 23, 2013

"One foot in the grave and one foot on the Dance Floor" - Power of Vegie Juices

I am going through great healing with juicing esp. Veggies thanks for the list Jeeni Zucchini
Foods You Should Eat Everyday

Juicing Vegetables

Ryan Nalls Grapefruit for breakfast . Salad for lunch for the tomatos, avocado, hemp seeds, spinach, cucumbers and peppers. A juice with Kale and garlic completes this list!
Ron Alexander Kale has become my fav. green leafy vegie! Dark emerald green juice emanates, and pulp I enjoy mixed in salad at lunch.
I am so grateful for my rejuvenated Mind/Body - more stamina, endurance, energy, power - getting much more done everyday with more clarity and mindfulness!


Jeeni Zucchini Sounds great, Capt! I need to juice more...

Ron Alexander And organic carrots mixed in make all these much more palatable to me! Oh, Jeeni Zucchini, I located a good juicer called Fusion that is a step above Braggs and not commercially priced.

  • Lyn Roberts My daily juice (all organic) Collards, kale, carrots, beets, celery, turmeric root, ginger root....... at times, chard (or virtually any greens), parsley, broccoli, cucumber,and so on......

  • Ron Alexander Thanks Lyn Roberts, I also use other greens regularly like chard, cabbage, broccoli, and ginger with occasional cucumber, parsley, spinach and others. I have fruit in AM but usually whole fruits mixed with oatmeal and other cereals sometimes. and some almonds, raisins, blueberries, with occasional Mango juice. I get my orange juice sucking then eating a navel orange. And love bananas but have to be ripe! Remember Dr. Bernard "Jennings" - in 70 and 80's he taught us not to eat anything that wasn't ready to drop off tree.
    Lyn Roberts Same path. I minimize gluten....and dairy. Occasional free-range eggs or wild caught fish plus seeds and nuts, no refined carbohydrates. two pieces of organic fruit a day. Organic lemon juice in pure water throughout the day. Attitude of gratitude for return of good health...from "one foot in the grave" to one foot on the dance floor.....Paleo bread from Julian Bakery is handy for the rare sandwich....high protein, low grain (coconut and almond flours

  • Ron Alexander Great info! Lyn Roberts Just made dinner - my juice only meal of organic kale, broccoli, ginger (be careful), few big cabbage leafs, lots of organic carrots, after drinking lemon water all day. POWERFUL for 2 dinners for about $8.00!

  • Jeeni Zucchini I just pulled together today's smoothie ingredients - cilantro, avocado, celery, cucumber, tomato, lemon and turmeric... actually, I make this one often. Its a favorite!
  • Jeanne P. wrote: We alternate between smoothies and juices throughout the week. Some are veggie and some are fruit. Last evening, a veggie smoothie, was cucumber, kale, carrots, with one spear of pineapple and a tiny amount of ginger. Some ginger is more potent than others, I have found. Start with a small amount of yours and taste as you proceed. The fruit smoothie was: strawberry, blueberry, pineapple, carrot, cucumber. Last week for a late night smoothie, I pulled frozen leaf spinach, frozen strawberries, mango and carrot together for a delish one!

  • 1 comment:

    1. We alternate between smoothies and juices throughout the week. Some are veggie and some are fruit. Last evening, a veggie smoothie, was cucumber, kale, carrots, with one spear of pineapple and a tiny amount of ginger. Some ginger is more potent than others, I have found. Start with a small amount of yours and taste as you proceed. The fruit smoothie was: strawberry, blueberry, pineapple, carrot, cucumber. Last week for a late night smoothie, I pulled frozen leaf spinach, frozen strawberries, mango and carrot together for a delish one!
