Sunday, May 5, 2013

Gratitude to Mother Earth and Daily Gratitude Journal

When you go with the flow of universe in the presence of now.  Every moment is a divine  sacred blessing  given to us by  Mother Earth.  She loves us unconditionally.  The time is now to love her with all of our hearts and give her the respect that she blesses us with.   Each and every moment is one to be grateful for.  My heart is overflowing with gratitude.  As all the raw beauty that Mother Earth  has shared with us  is divine.   Every flower, every tree, every cloud, every sunset and sunrise, every star and moon are all sacred gifts.   Please cherish them all.  Divine love to the entire Galaxy right now.   <3 x3 :)

When you go with the flow of universe in the presence of now. Every moment is a divine sacred blessing given to us by Mother Earth. She loves us unconditionally. The time is now to love her with all of our hearts... and give her the respect that she blesses us with. Each and every moment is one to be grateful for. My heart is overflowing with gratitude. As all the raw beauty that Mother Earth has shared with us is divine. Every flower, every tree, every cloud, every sunset and sunrise, every star and moon are all sacred gifts. Please cherish them all. Divine love to the entire Galaxy right now. ♥ x3 :)
Yes gratitude Human Angels Unite for our Mother Earth and each other! I have been inspire to start a gratitude journal this AM - a grand start! Besides Mother Earth and you fb Angels, I am thankful for this great house Dad creatively built in 1972! Thank you Dad RIP!
Evelyn Leonard Wright Yes, Ron--gratitude...and a journal is a wonderful way to express it! Daily reminders and reflections of why we are here on the earth plane during these times of great change...thank you!

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