Thursday, May 16, 2013

Gandhi in Heaven

15 years ago, when I was the minister of a church in Kansas, I began receiving communication with a soul in the beyond. One such communication is most memorable to me. When I asked the soul whether or not there were various realms in heaven, and if so, what realm did he live in.

He said, "I am congruent with a certain spiritual development and therefore reside in heaven as such. I am in the spir...itual spheres because truth and wisdom are the things of God about which I was most curious while living in the world. Far greater are the celestial spheres, whose inhabitants, while in the flesh, were most concerned with love and with simple service, and who lived a simple uncomplicated life in the world. I know of one whose name you will recognize."



Being a minister in the Christian faith at the time, I said, "You've got to be kidding. Ghandi wasn't a Christian.

No, but Ghandi was a servant of love in the world, and even though he was not a Christian, what greater Christian is there than that.. Christianity is not born in the soul through a dogmatic confession. True Christianity is born in the soul through love. Doctrine is worthless without love.

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