Friday, April 26, 2013

Rejuvenation - getting past the "pills"

Ron Alexander: Working in the medical field for my first career, I swear that illnesses are created for increased sales by the drug industry!

Joan Kosmicki Durso So true Ron!
Ron Alexander And then they will change the names of the disease like how many name changes has Chronic fatigue syndrome gone through? Then there is always ''disease'' of the year! Most of them are stress produced by our fast moving workaholic society Joan Kosmicki Joan Durso.

Ra Divakar I had an artist friend who was diagnosed with "Rheumatoid Arthritis". He was not able to even hold a paintbrush, so he finally found doctor, who told him it was a "modern disease" not known with elders, caused by present day toxins in the water and packaged foods, and that he could clear it by fasting for a certain time, then giving up water from spigot and packaged foods. He followed directions and is painting better than ever 12 years later!

Yes, I know that artist that my Brother Ra knows, and I have gone through similar
healing by juice cleansing and fasting for 18 days. Now I juice for breakfast, have a full brunch - usually oatmeal with fruit and almonds. And prepare a late lunch with salad, vegies, and burgers (usually vegie but sometimes organic buffalo - nutritionist ordered), quacomole, sweet potatoes, reg. potatoes, corn on the cob - seafood about once per week. Then I prepare a another fresh juice for dinner - making sure some of it is green - kale or some other leafy vegie.
Ron Alexander: Following up on my health, I have never felt better in my life - taking 7 inches off my waist, don't take any more pain pills and no caffiene. Energy has increased and not that manic caffienated type but steady increase in stamina! Combined with nutrition, I meditate 30 minutes in AM sandwiched in with gentle aerobics and one hour at sunset sandwiched in by gentle aerobics which helps with conscious breathing!
Ron Alexander: I try to do everything in mindfulness - cooking, washing dishes, working on my boats, etc.
And I practice yoga 2x per week - restorative so far but moving to a more strenous but still Gentle Yoga!
Photo: Image from Citizens UnTied

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