Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Proud of Rev. Ed Kosak, Minister of Charleston Unity Church

Thought for the Week to view past videos by Rev. Ed
I will be away during the week, (but back in time for Sunday's African Market!), in Alabama visiting Donaldson Correctional Facility, where the movie "The Dhamma Brothers" was filmed. As minister and a former clinical social worker, it is my personal opinion, and the opinion of a growing number of professionals, ministers, etc. that Vipassana or Mindfulness Based Meditation is a true way to rehabilitate prisoners. It is not 100% effective, but no intervention with human beings is. It works for many inmates and there is both research and anecdotal research to bolster this view. I'm going to Alabama to learn the logistics of how they do meditation there.
I share this with you because I ask your thoughts and prayers that meditation somehow find its way into the jail down the street from our church, or in South Carolina prisons, wherever and however it is most doable. "What we do to the least of our brothers and sisters.."
Please view the movie at or on Netflix, Hulu or Itunes. It can be purchased at itunes for $9.99. You won't be let got an 82/100 on website for movie critique!

This Documentary The Dhamma Brothers is Why I went on ten day silent retreats to learn Vipassana Meditation -  Ron Alexander


Ron Alexander It is called The Dhamma Brothers (East Meets West in the Deep South). Dhamma is the Pali word for Dharma. Pali was Buddhas language not Sanskrit! It is easy to find a trailer for it on YouTube and I am sure you can find the award winning film on Hulu. It is very inspirational!
Mark Bates Just watched the Dhamma Brothers. Great documentary, Ron.
Ron Alexander Very inspirational, glad you watched it Mark, after seeing it, I have been to three silent Vipassana retreats, and it is time to go again, as I still do not have the freedom that those men appear to have. They live in cells, so they may as well have the attitude of a monk in a monastery cell!
Mark Bates Actually my wife and looked into one of those retreats, Ron. Found there is one only an hour away from us in Texas. By the way, i sent you a friend request.
Ron Alexander Thanks Mark Bates, proud to be a friend! The one nearest me is in a swamp near the Fed. Prison in Jesup Ga, - not a tourist destination, however, it is a place to go within and the facilities are nice with central air conditioning thank goodness. A place to go to see inside and not distracted by sights outside for sure.


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