Sunday, April 21, 2013

No part of me is junk = ego, self, body, emotions - All Divine!

No part of me is junk including ego, self, body, emotions - All Divine!
I am whole, complete and God doesn't make any junk!


Ron AlexanderYet even identifying ''ego'' is dualistic. ''No part of me junk.''

Ron Anderson: You already are a realized awakened identity. At the same time, you have chosen an earth experience in 3D. That requires an ego whose function is to keep us (3D identity) focused in physicality. Your awakened self (soul) has projected a part of itself (you) here, and therefore is having a physical experience. The ego cannot be separated from your experience, if it were, you wouldn't be here, you would be somewhere else.

Ron Alexander Like: The ego cannot be separated from your experience, if it were, you wouldn't be here, you would be somewhere else.Thanks Ron Anderson!

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