Friday, April 26, 2013

Meditation - Go to the Depth of your Being

"Going to the depth of your being is the only way you will find wisdom. Meditation is not about giving away your power, but about giving away the need to be powerful. The aim is to just be. You flow with life, accepting life as it is."--Bruce Frantzis(via Dennis Lewis)

  • Ming Wing sharing
  • Richard Kent Matthews But discretionary time beats them all....

  • Ron Alexander ''Faith'', in Buddha's Wisdom, is faith in yourself, that we all have what it takes to leave suffering behind and to find enlightenment!

    Richard Kent Matthews The only true resource is time. And most of us waste most of it. When you run out of money, you can get more money. But you can get no more time. It's great to plan, to meditate, to be of service. Applaudable. But understanding that this moment could be your last, and embracing it in the best way possible, is to understand life. We are at the mercy of everything. We have no guarantees. Gratitude is the highest practice and service is how we express it the best.

    Richard Kent Matthews We are all selfish. And I do not mean that in a negative way. It's our nature. Even the quest for enlightenment and awakening is ultimately a selfish endeavor. Service takes that selfishness and puts it to good use. It's still selfish in the long run. I feel good when I serve. I like myself better, knowing I'm being of value. Oh, sure, those I am serving do get the benefits, but it's ultimately for me. I admit it, I accept it, I am grateful for the moment to moment opportunities that present themselves to be selfishly connected to my world. I am still on the planet, which simply means that, so far, I've beaten the odds. I am grateful.

    Ron Alexander Well, I agree Richard, I wonder if you have ever been in a timeless state of being? I know this is not grounded on earth like most from ACIM, however it is ironic, that although service has been my path, the most free and peaceful I have ever truly felt was when I reach that timeless state during a meditation or in a near death experience. Richard Kent Matthews are you there?

    Ra Divakar Well, it sounds like you contradicted yourself in your second message Richard, even though I know service is an awesome path. In my mind, meditating helps one become mindful, and even of better service to oneself and to others!

    Richard Kent Matthews Meditation is superb. No contradiction. The point is, we do everything for ourselves, even when meditating or being of service. And that's the way it's supposed to be. One can do more good when one is in good health, mentally, spiritually, physically. Take care of self first, then share with the world.

    Richard Kent Matthews And no, no NDEs or past life regressions or anything of that nature. That's why I don't criticize them. I don't have the experience.
    Ra Divakar You are a wise man Richard! I am going to 'friend" you and hope you accept? No hard feelings if you don't...peace!

    Richard Kent Matthews Yes. I will. But wise? Not so much. I borrow almost everything I know. Maybe steal is a better word!!

    Ra Divakar Being truthfully humble is wise!

    Richard Kent Matthews Humble, and proud of it!! haaaaa
    Ron Alexander lol - luv it "Humble, and proud of it" haaa...Richard Kent Matthews - 'Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly."

    Ron Alexander Well, some synchronicity, a few minutes ago, a near ninety year old neighbor asked me for some help. She has been a neighbor since before Dad had this house built in 1972, and never liked me during my long dispute with my dear Mom. Since I have forgiven her, and told Myrtle that all was alright between me and Mom (who passed 3 years ago), she has asked me twice for favors, and I am happy to be of service!


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