Saturday, April 20, 2013

How can someone hurt your feeling? (meaningful and healing dialogue vs. a hurtful dissing and cussing discussion)


Dean A. Banks Well said, Thanx, Ron!
Ron Alexander Good one! Simple Truth hard to hear for some of us!

Ron Alexander Probably for "many" of us - do I hear an Amen?

Linda Raenelle Mahoney Its just an expression..people CAN hurt you..say what you will..we are human after all..
Dean A. Banks When we look to others as our source, we allow what they say and do to hurt us. When we look to the Divine as our source, nothing we perceive will ever hurt us. The Divine gives love freely and abundantly; why would any one of us limit our good and believe in being hurt?
Linda Raenelle Mahoney Because we are human ..
Ron Alexander You are both right Dr. Dean and Linda - Dr. is writing of the Ideal, while Linda is being real.
 I want to reach Reality, however, like most I think, I am still in reality.
 And I am grateful to both of you for inspiring me to see there is a choice!

Linda Raenelle Mahoney I agree with you, would be nice..but..easier said than done..

  • Evelyn Leonard Wright Hello there, sorry to interrupt a wonderful thread, but for me, if one takes a look at the pain within the person who strikes out to hurt others in very sad ways, one can begin to understand the "why"--that doesn't mean one has to "allow" that person to hurt you--but my experience has taught me that if I understand why that person is striking out to hurt, then I don't feel the impact quite as much...and then...I have a decision to make...shall I accept that energy and get my feelings hurt...or do I simply deflect, understanding what is truly happening within the other person...

  • Ron Alexander What a great healing dialogue vs. a hurtful dissing and cussing discussion. Thanks Dr., Linda Raenelle Mahoney and Evelyn Leonard Wright (great to have such thoughtful new

    Dean A. Banks Being human doesn't mean that we SEPARATE ourselves from God and accept being hurt by anyone. The ego self is hurt for show while the Divine self is NEVER hurt for any reason whatsoever. Peace.
    Ron Alexander Well, here we go again Dean A. Banks, "ego self" is redundant, and you know what I think about the "ego" being used for dualistic (the devil made me do it) purposes! And I agree that The Divine is omnipotent, omnipresent (inside too), and omniescient cannot be hurt for sure! And we are human in bodies with feelings that can be hurt as long as we are here on earth! Further more, no part of me is junk = ego, self, body, emotions - All Divine!

    Linda Raenelle Mahoney
    Good for you, Ron..I just don't get's like he has no feelings or emotions..and looks down his nose at people who do..I could be wrong, but that's how he comes across.. I just got back online..server has been down.
    Ron Alexander
    thanks for the affirmation Linda. He and I have been "going around and around" on this subject a long time. He has some good advice going on too! Bless his heart and yours too alot, ron


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