Sunday, April 14, 2013

Dialogue with a gun loving Vet....

This is on Huntington Post -
How many non-hunters out there thinks they need a gun to prove their (wo)manhood - the bigger the gun the more ammo the better?
Its not to prove our man/womanhood. Its to Protect against Tyranny. Without the 2nd Amendment, the 1st, 4th and 5th amendments will disappear rather quickly and thier wouldn't be a damn thing you could do about it! Then the question pops into you puny brain, "What are you going to do with a few 'Assault Rifles' against the U.S.Military and all of their weaponry? If they want your guns they'll just come take them!" I've heard that argument a thousand times and EVERY time I do I say talk to someone that that served in Afghanistan and find out just how much havoc a civilian with a rifle can cause! That ALWAYS shuts them up!
"...find out just how much havoc a civilian with a rifle can cause! That ALWAYS shuts them up!" You nailed it - that is the reason gun control is needed, and I am sure you are being watched!
Your Just fguring that out? I'm a Veteran and White, Duh! Per the Secretary of Homeland Security, I've been on a watch list since 2009.
Well, I am white and a vet. and don' t think like you! Thank goodness, there is a lot of us too! I volunteer working with vets. with PTSD!
Then your on a watch list too. Yes there are a lot that think like you, but rest assured there are just as many if not more that feel like me. What about the news report earlier this week that the U.S.Army says Evangelical Christians, Catholics, American Family Association members are considered to be "Extremist" groups and need to be monitered on the same scale that the Ku Klux Klan and other hate groups are monitered. For the first time since I served in the Army, I am ashamed of it. I'm sorry I ever wasted my time serving in an organization that now feels the need to moniter me and those like me.       
Ron Alexander
Peace! You can choose it! It is inside all of us already - all ready to be chosen. You will feel better inside and will help others outside of you. Peace Peace Peace!
In a Perfect world, yes. But I live in reality. Unfortunately even if we were to stop all deployments and totally pull back into this country without a single U.S. Military member anywhere outside of the U.S. we would still have those around the world that would want to do us harm or act aggresively towards us. Time to take the blinders off my friend and get a good dose of reality.       
Thanks for your concern Padams, however your "reality" is not my "reality".. Life is but a dream, don't make it a nightmare!
Like I said, In the REAL world Bad things happen. There is nothing you or I can do about it. Its human nature. Despite how pacifistic you are there will always be someone or some group that will want to exploit that to gain the upper hand in power and control. So until the day when everyone in the world, and I mean everyone, can destroy all weapons and live together in utopian bliss, I think I'll stay well armed protect my family and friends.

Ron Alexander
Isn't it great you have that freedom for guns! Me I am happy to have that freedom from fear,. In the Bible, it says " anxious for nothing" and "Be strong and courageous, do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your GOD is with(in) you wherever you go." - Joshua 1:9
 Courage comes from the Latin root word for heart. Getting past fear takes a strong heart! Faith in the Divine rather than fear of man! Bless your heart, padams, keep safe!

Elizabeth May Sutor: The mind-set that allows one to live in fear, and therefore "arm" himself to "protect" family and friends is not a mind-set I would ever want to be near. And besides, the argument doesn't hold water. I do believe that President Reagan and President Kennedy had some very well-armed and well-trained gunsmen and marksmen around them when they were shot. To say nothing of Fort Bragg's incident.
Ron Alexander: Agree wholeheartedly Elizabeth May Sutor and that is message I am trying to convey - was I successful. Oh I I live around that fearful "mindset" here in South Carolina, yet do have an oasis with some Unity, Unitarian, Liberal Theology friends thank goodness! I am learning to be compassionate with those fearful ones, as I understand their deep racist, sexist, fundamentalist (isms = schisms) they were brought up with. Thank goodness I was awakened early but JFK's murder in 1963, as I was shocked, dismayed at it, and especially my lab partner at college who cheered at the message. It was the first time I came across hatred politically firsthand, and I was sickened and have been a Dem. ever since!

Ra Divakar Hmm, good of you to have such compassion for this fearmonger Ron!

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