Thursday, April 4, 2013

As Thou Thinketh in Thy Heart

The title is influenced by a verse in the Bible from the Book of Proverbs chapter 23 verse 7, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” ... will grow all delightful conditions, all heavenly environment, of these, if you but remain true to them your world will at last be built. ...
 Right thinking begins with the words we say to ourselves.
Thoughts are things, and it
is important to keep our
thoughts of a spiritual

nature, to put attention on
living a life that is a clear
      step toward growth.
Harold Klemp The Language of Soul

Angie Pennington Ra, no one is demonising the ego here at all. To be able to be on this plane, of course we need ego. Wherever did you see any judgement?
Ra Divakar What does an "ego-individuated world" mean Angie Pennington!? Forgive me please if you think I am attacking you. I am really curious!
Why not just use the word individuation, as the word "ego" is really just a made-up word that advances dualism. We are Whole, and the word ego is used the same as Fundamentalist Christians use the word devil which is also non-existent.  The devil made me do it or the ego made me do it. Either word is a convenient shirking of seeing what is really going on. What really causes our problems? The Bible and Buddha's Teaching tell us "As thy thinketh in thy heart, thou art." Buddha taught that all we are is a result of our thinking. Thinking that the ego is our problem is part of the cognitive dissonance that prevents our indiividuation.

Angie Pennington I wonder how it is that one man, recognising in gratitude the Loving Heart of a person who has done nothing but extend a helping hand, give time and Loving focus to that person's situation, on receiving back a response to the effect that he is most welcome and that in another plane (where ego does not exist) there would not even be need to thank another for caring Love, can be distorted by two readers to engender all this posturing and blustering. Come on guys, turn off any distortion and just go into Heart, for I never left there.
There is an adage : you can either be right or kind. I have been nothing but kind. Pray, what are you doing in misunderstanding my vibration? Do you know me at all ?
With All Love, Angie

 I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you! I love you Angie!
 I think Bobby Hinkle wrote the same thing as your response:
Bobby Hinkle :
"I refuse to identify truth with an abundance of words, as if truth can only be identified as more and more knowledge gained in the mind and spouted with pride and prejudice.. As far as I'm concerned, truth isn't a question of gaining more and more knowledge; instead, it is a question of simple realization by a mind united with an innocent, childlike heart of love.
Angie Pennington Care must be taken in thinking that one knows the motivations of any person when they speak or write. So many times I have said that words are such clumsy vehicles for expressing accurately.
If we ask a person for a verbal clarification of their meaning, then surely we hear better with the bkank screen of a clear mind and an open heart. This is why meditation prior to opening one's mouth is so helpful
As Ever, All Love to You Both... To All We One in separated shells only on this plane _/|\_
Ron Alexander Yes, Please forgive me too - here is an answer to Bobby Hinkle's post above: Stephanie Korpela: Truth once put into words ceases to be truth for words can only point at the truth as they themselves are illusion.
Ron AlexanderYet even identifying ''ego'' is dualistic. ''No part of me junk.'' 
Ron Anderson: You already are a realized awakened identity. At the same time, you have chosen an earth experience in 3D. That requires an ego whose function is to keep us (3D identity) focused in physicality. Your awakened self (soul) has projected a part of itself (you) here, and therefore is having a physical experience. The ego cannot be separated from your experience, if it were, you wouldn't be here, you would be somewhere else.
Ron Alexander Like: The ego cannot be separated from your experience, if it were, you wouldn't be here, you would be somewhere else.Thanks Ron Anderson!

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