Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Light of the Stars Shines Within Us

Life we are, arising here for a short time. Children of a Creative Universe. Sustained by Mother Earth. Awareness localized. Walking through fields and forests, dancing on beaches, skipping down streets. 

Born of atoms forged in stars now long gone. Children of the cosmic interplay of water, air, fire and earth. Breathing in the atmosphere that surrounds us and sustains us. Bodies animated by the solar energy of the sun, our nearest star. 

Look within, let thoughts be still. Feel the beat and energy of your life. Let your old sense of identity fall away. Name, nationality, religion, gender, career... that's not who we are.

The light of the stars peers out of your eyes, shines within all of us. Bodies simultaneously ancient and brand new. Here the Universe arises as a powerful stream of love, wisdom and awareness, tribes of bodhisattvas rising now, transforming our world...

(The light of the stars peers out of your eyes, shines within all of us. Bodies simultaneously ancient and brand new. Here the Universe arises as a powerful stream of love, wisdom and awareness, tribes of bodhisattvas rising now, transforming our world...)

Life we are, arising here for a short time. Children of a Creative Universe. Sustained by Mother Earth. Awareness localized. Walking through fields and forests,... dancing on beaches, skipping down streets.

Born of atoms forged in stars now long gone. Children of the cosmic interplay of water, air, fire and earth. Breathing in the atmosphere that surrounds us and sustains us. Bodies animated by the solar energy of the sun, our nearest star.

Look within, let thoughts be still. Feel the beat and energy of your life. Let your old sense of identity fall away. Name, nationality, religion, gender, career... that's not who we are.

The light of the stars peers out of your eyes, shines within all of us. Bodies simultaneously ancient and brand new. Here the Universe arises as a powerful stream of love, wisdom and awareness, tribes of bodhisattvas rising now, transforming our world...


We are the universe experiencing itself as a human for a little while.      
Eckhart Tolle

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