Sunday, March 31, 2013

The "devil" made you do it? Or the "ego"?

Or was it your "dreaded ego"? Your "mind"? Your "survival instincts"?  Most of us do not believe in the "devil" anymore. The "ego" is a popular scapegoat, but it is just a word invented by Freud, who considered it the "conscious bridge" from the id (instinctual brain) to the "Higher Self ", he called the  "superego". Gary Zukav calls the ego our "earth guide" - we could not live on earth without it.
The "mind" is not our brain, and is even equated to the soul or our consciousness by some theologians, so we can't blame it.

"How to Tell Your Brain What to Do"

It is vital to have your mind tell your brain what to do. Otherwise, your brain will give you information that isn't necessarily true, or true anymore. It is your responsibility to tell your brain what to do. By doing this, you are actually telling your mind to tell your brain what to do and the resultant effect is whatever you tell your mind to tell your brain, your brain will accordingly react. Nothing less. Nothing more. Try it as long as it takes you to understand this message. At that point you will have crossed over. You will be in a space where you have never been before. Here, in this space, you can totally control your life and make it the way you want it to be!

-Donald L. Vasicek
  Bruce Lee, the world renown martial artist, said, As you think, so shall you become. Bruce was acknowledging the power of the human mind to ...


The title is influenced by a verse in the Bible from the Book of Proverbs chapter 23 verse 7, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” ... will grow all delightful conditions, all heavenly environment, of these, if you but remain true to them your world will at last be built. ... Right thinking begins with the words we say to ourselves.

Thoughts are things, and it
is important to keep our
thoughts of a spiritual
nature, to put attention on
living a life that is a clear
step toward growth. —Harold Klemp The Language of Soul

Angie Pennington In the best of ego-individuated worlds it's why we're individuals : to help one another. Gradually we navigate to where All Is Love and planes in which there is no need for even saying "Thank You" or "You're very welcome", because All Is Gratitude.... and The Light just plays!  Thanks I know what you mean Angie, however this is my belief: Poor ol "ego' - no part of me is junk! And the ego is a word invented by Freud to be the CONSCIOUS bridge between the "id" our primal self and the "superego" (Higher Self). Gary Zukav calls it our "Earth Guide" . We could not function in our body here on Earth without it. Now, I am sure it will be different when we leave our body, but until then it is dualistic at best to demonize the "ego". I think of it as like a little child that we have to be aware of what our thoughts are (even about "ego")! We are all perfect WHOLE BEINGS!

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