Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Balance in Silence - Day 14

"The music is not in the notes, but in the silence between."—Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Congratulations on completing two weeks of our Challenge and on all your achievements thus far!
Over these past two weeks, we've enjoyed wonderful meditations together. It is in this stillness that we connect with the Highest Self, the field of pure potentiality, and plant the seeds of our dearest intentions for ourselves and others so that they flourish in our lives. In this stillness, we come to understand that we are indeed intrinsically part of the universe and connected with everyone and everything around us
Congratulations on completing two weeks of our Challenge and on all your achievements thus far!
Over these past two weeks, we've enjoyed wonderful meditations together. It is in this stillness that we connect with the Highest Self, the field of pure potentiality, and plant the seeds of our dearest intentions for ourselves and others so that they flourish in our lives. In this stillness, we come to understand that we are indeed intrinsically part of the universe and connected with everyone and everything around us.

Today's Centering Thought:
I intend to take steps each day toward
perfect health.

Our Sanskrit mantra:
Om Ritam Namah
My actions and desires are supported by cosmic intelligence.
Take the connection with Spirit in silence back into our daily lives.
Balance in your body and in your Spirit. Yoga is perfect practice to get ready for meditation.
Meditate without effort!

Today's Centering Thought:
I intend to take steps each day toward.
perfect health.

Meditation in Silence is my number one priority combined with conscious breathing, then nutrition. then yoga/exercise then community of supportive inspirational friends. Balancing them all!
Om Ritam Namah -
My actions and desires are supported by cosmic intelligence.

I am so grateful that I share these to my friends and have tried to get them to join and slowly catch up. It is never too late!


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