Thursday, March 21, 2013

Reaching Silence

Bobby Hinkle:
I don't think most people realize they have the power over the jabbering that takes place in the mind, and the constant flashing images and illusions of historical memories, particularly pleasures. I'm not saying we can control the mind. We can't. But I am saying we can take away the food that feeds the mind through meditative faith. we have the power to take all thoughts inward
  • Loving Unity As we rest in stillness, in the Presence, Grace erases and replaces and re-purposes, without our doing anything at all but resting and trusting. Give no thought to those thoughts. Let 'em roll and consider them nothing at all.Ra Divakar Just observe them and let them go - like Loving Unity says "consider them nothing at all."
  • Bobby Hinkle In my own experience Meditative faith is consciously silencing the mind, and going inward.
  • Ra Divakar Well, Bobby, I agree but the path to "silencing" is not so easy for me, how do you come to silence?

    Ra Divakar Loveing Unity answered me and gave me permission to post it here:
    Loving Unity
    The Silence is a state of being wherein we are receptive to the flow of God-Love-I AM in, as, and FROM us. One might call this consciousness the Presence. It is the consiousness wherein we are the receptacle for all we truly are. If that is our intent, to seek first this union, this realization of ONEness, then we really need not worry about which human thoughts come and go as we meditate. As we rest in stillness, in the Presence, Grace erases and replaces and re-purposes the prodigal mind, without our doing anything at all but resting and trusting. Give no thought to those thoughts. Don't fight them. Just observe them without judgment. Let 'em roll and consider them nothing at all. In due course, they will pass, as we allow Grace to be the doer and Love to be the only plan...

    The Silence is a state of being wherein we are receptive to the flow of God-Love-I AM in, as, and FROM us. One might call this consciousness the Presence. It is the consiousness wherein we are the receptacle for all we truly are. If that is our intent, to seek first this union, this realization of ONEness, then we need not worry about which human thoughts come and go as we meditate. As we rest in stillness, in the Presence, Grace erases and replaces and re-purposes the prodigal mind, without our doing anything at all but resting and trusting. Give no thought to those thoughts. Don't fight them. Just observe them without judgment. Let 'em roll and consider them nothing at all. In due course, they will pass, as we allow Grace to be the doer and Love to be the only plan...

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