Thursday, March 21, 2013

Perfect Health and the Beginning of Spring

Dear Ron,
Today we celebrate the synchronicity that lives between our Perfect Health journey and the beginning of Spring—the season associated with new beginnings, growth, and rejuvenation. What a perfect time to reflect and witness the sprouts that may be emerging from the seeds you have planted during the last two weeks!
You are stepping into a new season in your life, one that you are choosing and creating. It is a powerful moment where conscious choices ignite transformational change. What nourishing choices are you making today?
  • Taking a break to enjoy a walk outdoors?
  • Choosing a healthy meal with foods that include all colors of the rainbow?
  • Making time for your meditation practice?
  • Appreciating the people you love?
The action of introducing gentle new choices and rituals into each day is the key to activating the vision of your best self.
Spring is a season of celebration. Today we celebrate your dedication and active participation in creating a life filled with passion, joy, and good health.


2013 Costa Del Mar

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