Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Peace and Beauty with Every Step

Photo: “The mind can go in a thousand directions, 
but on this beautiful path, I walk in peace. 
With each step, the wind blows. 
With each step, a flower blooms.”
 – Thich Nhat Hanh 
Peace and Love to all - Jeff ♥
(photo by Jeff)
Helpful to read this morning as my mind is all over the place and generally confused - Aum Shanti, thanks Angie Pennington and Sacred Journey of the soul and Thich Nhat Hanh of course!
“The mind can go in a thousand directions,
but on this beautiful path, I walk in peace.
With each step, the wind blows.
With each step, a flower blooms.”

– Thich Nhat Hanh
Peace and Love to all - Jeff ♥
(photo by Jeff)

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