Thursday, March 7, 2013

ONE and born that way!

Once we become aware of our true Self, all imagination of a separate God disappears. We realize intimately that nothing is "out there somewhere". Everyone and everything become ONE.

 "Buddha Nature" = "Inner Christ"?

Our fundamental nature-what we term "the Buddha nature", the very nature of our mind. is inherently present within us as a ...natural attribute. This mind of ours, the subject at hand, has been going on throughout beginningless time, and so has the more subtle nature of that mind. On the basis of the continuity of that subtle nature of our mind rests the capacity we have to attain enlightenmentl. This potential is what we call "the seed of buddhahood," "buddha nature," or "the fundamental nature..."
His Holiness the Dalai Lama: Heart Essence of the Great Perfection

thanks Ron, that sounds like Truth for me, however Buddhists don't believe in the "soul" and "salvation through another human" or even that Buddha was an Avatar! They believed that Buddha was a human who lived a good life and reached enlightenment, like the rest of us can..thanks to Jeanne Porter Ashley

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