Monday, March 11, 2013

Making Eye Contact

Consistently very inspiring, sharing again, thanks Emmanuel Dagher
Daily Act of Kindness: Making Eye Contact

Hi beautiful friend,

As empaths & energy sensitives, many of us may still feel uncomfortable making eye contact with those around us. If this is you too, this usually suggests on some level that w...e are okay with being invisible to the world because it's a much easier way to deal with everything.

The truth is, by making eye contact we are letting those around us know that we honor, see & acknowledge the divinity within them. It also gives them the opportunity to do the same back to us.

The sacred practice of making eye contact can move us past our own pattern of hiding & allows us to shine our light more freely everywhere we go.
One of the greatest gifts we can give to others is to let them know they matter. Imagine how quickly the world will shift when everyone feels they are being seen & acknowledged.

So for today, let's make eye contact with everyone we meet & watch the miracles that unfold.

I love hearing your experiences!

We are all in this together,


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