Saturday, March 30, 2013

It is good to get out of line sometimes

"I was walking up to this paradise of nature, that I wanted to visit, and noticed a long line of disgruntled complaining people waiting at a gate. I was getting anxious and looked around and noticed there was no fence with these paths leading into this beautiful forest. So, with a smile, I gratefully bypassed the line and walked directly in. A few people in line noticed me and looking pleased followed me. The rest stayed behind looking agitated and suspicious. Sometimes it is good to get out of line." Ron Alexander

MIriam StJohn I wonder if that is a universal theme, Ron. I had a vision in which I was walking toward the Holy Temple wherein was the inner sanctuary, Holy of Holies. There were openings under columns all along the way that I could have walked through, yet I walked the long distance to the one gate to walk through that. Fascinating
Ron Alexander Yes, MIriam StJohn,I think it is a vision of choice - follow the sheep or not?
exander I think this vision was inspired by a housemate in California, who while I was waiting in line in Whole Foods waiting for some delicious looking samples, walked to the front of the line with a big smile greeting everyone as long lost friends, and got to sample way before I did. Plus she made some new friends, and nobody was upset with her (except me a little, but all went away, when I met her new friends).
MIriam StJohn Well, that's bringing down to the natural, ain't it? LOL. Here in Boston she would have run into trouble cutting the line.

Ron Alexander Miriam St. John, I think not, she did it so gracefully, and it was not a clear straight line! I think we can get into a state of Being, where we can do about anything, if we are not being pushy or anything like that. I have tested this theory by waiting outside of very expensive events, with a big smile on my face (and a positive visualization), and invariably there will be somebody with an extra ticket who wants company.
Also inspired by this poem:

Open the door to the light of joyful living

Whenever I draw a circle, I immediately want to step out of it.
Buckminster Fuller(

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