Monday, March 11, 2013

Grumpy Start to Juice Cleansing Fast

Something precious is lost if we rush headlong into the details of life without pausing for a moment to pay homage to the mystery of life and the gift of another day.
Kent Nerburn (
This was certainly true for me this Monday AM.  Preparing for a juice cleansing fast, I had not eaten since yesterday evening and I was supposed to meet professional at 9 AM for start. Well, she was not at place I thought we had agreed on, so I waited and waited, finally her co-worker appeared and called her. I was supposed to meet her at another place, which she had specified in her email but I had missed. I was really grumpy by the time I met her and first juice was delicious and helped me ground somewhat. Glad to be back at house now, and I can be grumpy by myself.
Joe Cross and his entertaining educative film has inspired me to begin a cleansing juice fast today of 16 days hopefully. I have been preparing for it, and am being supervised by local professional. So may be grumpier than usual for next few days! Have a great week and send me some good healing vibes please!
Deborah Spencer Good luck! That was a great documentary and there are so many others about how eating/drinking more fruits and vegetables is so much healthier for you - allowing your body to heal itself. You can do this!!

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