Saturday, March 30, 2013


"Wrinkles should merely indicate where the smiles have been." —Mark Twain
Welcome to Day 20—Living AgelesslyToday, we explore the concept of living agelessly. It may be challenging to see ourselves as ageless beings that grow in wisdom and spiritual fulfillment in each passing moment. Yet, living in the present enables us to literally stop time. Meditation helps ground us in the present and, physiologically, increases growth hormones, which slow down the external signs of aging.
As we engage in activities that bring us joy and choose to live from an open-heart awareness, we approach our lives with a new, positive perspective and truly live agelessly.
Our centering thought for today is:
I am ageless and timeless.
We look forward to enjoying the stillness with you today.

(Oprah and Deepak)

Consider an activity that really excites you. Make the commitment to engage in that activity for some time every day. Witness how time stands still when you indulge your passion and you become firmly rooted in the present.

 I am ageless and timeless.
I am perfect. At age 68, when I can feel like that, it is bliss! And I am going to do more of what it takes to feel like that. More meditation, more yoga, more gentle aerobics, more juicing, more things that help me be in the moment like creativity and being of service, more inspiration and support from wonderful teachers like Oprah and Deepak! I am so grateful!

Today's Centering Thought:
I am perfect - ageless and timeless.
Our Sanskrit mantra:Aham Brahmasmi The core of my being is the ultimate reality, the root and ground of the universe, the source of all that exists.
Every birthday is a blessing. Celebrate every moment with vigor and gratitude. Oprah


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