Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Day 17 - Living Creativity Blissfully Free

"You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation." —Plato

Welcome to Day 17—Living CreativityToday, we explore our creative spirit. As long as we remain open to new possibilities and a willingness to escape our routines, we can enjoy lifelong creativity. Letting go opens the door to new discoveries and enables us to feel truly alive.
Enjoy opportunities to explore without outside opinions or artificial boundaries. Do those things that make time disappear and witness the boundless joy that flows to you.
Our centering thought for today is:

Through rest and play, I open my creative channel.
We look forward to creating with you in stillness today.
(Oprah and Deepak)

Set aside time today to be totally free to express yourself. Find a quiet space, gather the tools you need, and just enjoy what happens. Notice how you feel after you've spent some time doing what you love.

Today's Centering Thought:
Through rest and play, I open my
creative channel.

Our Sanskrit mantra:
Om Anandham Namah
My actions are blissfully free from attachment to outcome
Blissfully Free: love those words from the mantra -
Om Anandham Namah
(My actions are blissfully free from attachment to outcome.)
 That is how I feel when letting go in my creative/play outlets Blissfully Free is how I want to be - more and more. thanks, Deepak, Oprah and staff!

Elsa Dickson Pike · Works at Claiming my Divinity in every moment
Today's meditation was the most powerfully moving one yet. In my ongoing journey toward self-acceptance and self-expression, today's meditation was enormously helpful and enlightening. T
he idea that rest and play are important steps toward creativity is a new one, somehow, though I don't know why it should be. And the meaning of today's mantra Om Anandham Namah - My actions are blissfully free from attachment to outcome is groundbreaking in its implications, having the intended and truly blissful effect of bringing me effortlessly back into the present moment and I believe, to the true purpose of meditation itself. So, so awesome! Namasté

Dear Ron,Today's message in "Living Creativity" is filled with such natural and transformational potential. When we are playful and having fun, we are truly living with present moment awareness. It's in these most joyful and carefree times that we allow the space for the "aha" moments and life-changing ideas to appear.
Let's take a moment and check in with ourselves right now.

  • Was there laughter in your day?
  • How did you express your unique gifts and talents?
  • What did you do that was playful or relaxing?
  • Was there a moment where you decided to just go with the flow?
Just "be" with your answers, without judgment. Then gently take a deep breath, and when you exhale, let all tension flow out of your body—just let it go. On your next inhalation, we invite you to consider a new intention: choose a light-hearted approach each moment in the coming days, allowing yourself permission to not take yourself too seriously.
We wish you a day filled with ease, self-care, and abundant joy.



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