Thursday, March 28, 2013

Da 18 - Living Passion

"Freedom lies in being bold." —Robert Frost
Welcome to Day 18—Living PassionPassion is energy. It's the power that comes from focusing on what really excites you. When we live with enthusiasm, we fully engage our brains and bodies in our activities, building new pathways that foster health and wellbeing.
One way to ensure that we live our lives with passion is to find our dharma, our life's true purpose, through which we can serve our community and ourselves in deeply meaningful ways. Engaging in life in this way helps keep our minds active and sharp and strengthens our relationships with everyone we meet.
Our centering thought for today is:
I live my life with passion and enthusiasm.
We enthusiastically await our time together today.
Oprah and Deepak
Begin to connect with your true life's purpose. Before each meditation, ask yourself, "How can I help? How can I serve?" Then, listen to your heart for the answer

Today's Centering Thought:
I live my life with passion and enthusiasm.
Our Sanskrit mantra:
Om Varunam Namah
My life is in harmony with cosmic law.

It was good reflecting back to time when I was passionate. Probably the most passionate job I had was working with life-threatened young adults at Jerry Jampolsky's Center for Attitudinal Healing. I took them on many field trips and they loved it - these kids with aids and cancer lived in the present better than anybody, so they were great to be around. Maybe, I can do something with elders and disabled or hospice as I heal? Just these memories are building up my passion, thank you again Deepak, Oprah and staff!
This unusually very cold spring has me forgetting about my passion for sailing and helping take vets. out on Veterans on Deck (especially for those with PTSD).
A few fly bites cannot stop a spirited horse.
Mark Twain

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