Friday, March 15, 2013

"Buddha Nature" = "Inner Christ"?

Our fundamental nature-what we term "the Buddha nature", the very nature of our mind. is inherently present within us as a natural attribute. This mind of ours, the subject at hand, has been going on throughout beginningless time, and so has the more subtle nature of that mind. On the basis of the continuity of that subtle nature of our mind rests the capacity we have to attain enlightenmentl. This potential is what we call "the seed of buddhahood," "buddha nature," or "the fundamental nature..."
His Holiness the Dalai Lama: Heart Essence of the Great Perfection

thanks Ron, that sounds like Truth for me, however Buddhists don't believe in the "soul" and "salvation through another human" or even that Buddha was an Avatar! They believed that Buddha was a human who lived a good life and reached enlightenment, like the rest of us can..thanks to Jeanne Porter Ashley.


Ah Lee Harrington, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, a world Bodhisattva Treasure:
My practice helps me lead a useful life. If I can give some short moment of happiness to others, then I feel that my life has achieved some purpose. This gives me deep mental satisfaction — this feeling always comes if you serve others. So when I help others, I feel happy. For me, the most important thing is human compassion, a sense of caring for one another."
--- His Holiness the Dalai Lama ---

Photo: My practice helps me lead a useful life. If I can give some short moment of happiness to others, then I feel that my life has achieved some purpose. This gives me deep mental satisfaction — this feeling always comes if you serve others. So when I help others, I feel happy. For me, the most important thing is human compassion, a sense of caring for one another."
--- His Holiness the Dalai Lama ---

Lyn Roberts I painted a life-size portrait of His Holiness for Sita Lozoff of the Human Kindness Foundation a few years ago. Because many of my friends wanted copies I had some smaller Giclee prints made. One of them was taken to His Holiness and is now on the ceremonial altar in the room next to his residence. I never signed the portrait. Having always felt the same way Bunni does about the Dalai Lama, I feel deeply blessed for having the experience of communing with him as the portrait came into being. Buddhism has provided great assistance to me in the way Jan and Ted have indicated. Like Ted I don't have a label, just love the Light.

Michelle Bernadette Button all the more reason to honor our intuition early on...when i was in high school, i had an idea that "to hate is to fear; fear is learned, not inborn". i offered that insight instead of my yearbook pic and it apparently was rejected (well, the pic had students' heads 'placed' inside a faux evening gown, so i balked on that, lol)...but my point is that it can be startling to find what we keep inside our heads crop up later in religions we discover later on. that said, it seems that such insights really are *already* deep inside us (learned thru experience and quiet reflection) and can be universally felt~now, with the courage to share what seems to be solo insights...what a human revolution (Buddhist term) that wld be!