Saturday, March 16, 2013

Be Friends with Yourself First

"Friendship with oneself is all important, because without it one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world." —Eleanor Roosevelt

Love your neighbors as YOURSELF! (Don't forget yourself in Jesus's "commandment"!

Today's Centering Thought: (from Oprah and Deepak's 21 Dayer!

"I am perfection. I am healthy. I am strong."
Our Sanskrit mantra:
So hum
I am.

Oprah: Today I want you to make a committment that you will let go of any thing that does not see yourself as a radiant beautiful being!

What has my body allowed me to do:
 Travel alot, ride many thousands of miles on a bicycle starting with long paper route in hometown, do alot of hiking, become a professional sailing captain, become an expert underwater diver/fisherman, become a yoga teacher, become a good dancer, enjoy some martial arts, serve well in military, volunteer working with Veterans on Deck, gardening, and...

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