Friday, March 22, 2013

The Earth Delights to Feel Your Feet

And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.~Khalil Gibran

Wishing a you a blessed and peaceful evening. Sharing some ideas for grounding as we enter Spring in all its BEAUTY!

There are several ways. Choose which ever suits you best.

Drinking water, washing hands after healing/psychic work
Being out in nature
Listen or dance to digeridoo, drumming music
Hugging, sitting, leaning, standing or climbing a tree
Physical activity
Gardening or activity which gets your hands into the earth
Visualizing white-light showering your body coming out of your feet connecting deep into the earth
Visualize roots coming out of your feet and connecting deep into the center of the earth
Eating grounding foods (root vegetables, grains and seeds)
Grounding breathing exercises;
Carrying and/or working with grounding crystals

Kalpulli Teocalli Ollin

Painting: Secret Garden by artist Alma de la Melena Cox
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 Photo: And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.~Khalil Gibran

Wishing a you a blessed and peaceful evening.  Sharing some ideas for grounding as we enter Spring in all its BEAUTY!

There are several ways. Choose which ever suits you best.

Drinking water, washing hands after healing/psychic work
Being out in nature
Listen or dance to digeridoo, drumming music
Hugging, sitting, leaning, standing or climbing a tree
Physical activity
Gardening or activity which gets your hands into the earth
Visualizing white-light showering your body coming out of your feet connecting deep into the earth
Visualize roots coming out of your feet and connecting deep into the center of the earth
Eating grounding foods (root vegetables, grains and seeds)
Grounding breathing exercises;
Carrying and/or working with grounding crystals

Kalpulli Teocalli Ollin <3

Painting: Secret Garden by artist  Alma de la Melena Cox

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