Monday, March 18, 2013

Allow Love

Photo: <3

Remember to allow love into your life.
Surrender and allow the energy to exist.
Your fear puts up a wall.
The fear is an illusion.
The wall is an illusion.
The love was always there.
You are love.
Don’t turn away from this moment.
Feel the changes already taking place.
The people and circumstance of your life are gifts.
See through the illusions.
You are love with or without the struggle.
Focus on the truth and you’ll move forward.
Surrounded by love and in love with your life <3
Remember to allow love into your life.
Surrender and allow the energy to exist.
Your fear puts up a wall.
The fear is an illusion.
... The wall is an illusion.
The love was always there.
You are love.
Don’t turn away from this moment.
Feel the changes already taking place.
The people and circumstance of your life are gifts.
See through the illusions.
You are love with or without the struggle.
Focus on the truth and you’ll move forward.
Surrounded by love and in love with your life ♥

1 comment:

Jeanne P. said...
...You are love with or without the struggle...absolutely! Love always matters!

1 comment:

  1. ...You are love with or without the struggle...absolutely! Love always matters!
