Friday, February 1, 2013

Letter to Editor of My Local Newspaper

Anti-government letters promoting anarchy

In response to the anti-government letters by Greg Sheehan and Robert Brand, (Jan. 28 letters, “Arms necessary to fight tyranny” and “America has lost its soul”) it is a good thing our democratic government allows free speech, as in many countries those two letters could land the writers in jail.
Both Mr. Sheehan and Mr. Brand advocate anarchy. Mr. Sheehan is advocating a means to violently overthrow our government. Mr. Brand is advocating an economic overthrow of our government. Mr. Sheehan wrote “our schools used to teach the virtues of the Revolutionary War’s Minutemen; armed citizens rushing from their homes to confront their government’s soldiers in America’s fields and streets.” I do not know what kind of school Mr. Sheehan went to, however that kind of education is only taught in schools that teach extremist racism or extremist religion.
This hatred of government using the Second Amendment is foolish at best. What if Sheehan got thousands of assault weapons and distributed them to his “community” (I think most neighbors would turn them down) and created a walled community of terrorists? Unarmed drone missiles could easily take care of that if government saw them as a big problem.  
Mr. Brand states that “it is time for Republicans to hold the line even if it means bringing the country to economic collapse by refusing to raise the debt limit until spending is brought under control.” Where was Mr. Brand when Bush/Cheney borrowed all that money from China to go into Afghanistan and especially Iraq? Easily do they forget that Clinton had our great country in the black, and the Democrats are historically the administrations that are prosperous. In my opinion, the souls lost have been Brand’s and his extreme right wing type of Republicans.
I am a veteran as are my father, uncles, and brother killed in Vietnam. I am not anti-war, have been a hunter, and I am thankful for our democratic government! You may contemplate moving to a different country but most civilized countries have strong gun control and will help the poor and disadvantaged with their health, education and welfare.
The writer lives in North Myrtle Beach.

Dean A. Banks My comment: "Great article! The writer is cogent, sensible and on point with his descriptions of the right wing nuts that live by fear and not reason."

Another writer Dick Withington responded similarly -
Then we have the letter by Greg Sheehan (“Arms necessary to fight tyranny”) who wants to keep his 30 magazine AR-15 so he can protect his First Amendment rights. Now Greg, exactly how are you going to protect those rights with your loaded AR-15 or Bushmaster rifle? You sound a little agitated. I am not sure you should possess and brandish such a weapon, and there are a lot of potentially dangerous people like you running around out there.

Kristiana Owens Great article, Ron. The anti-government noise has gotten louder and personally I lay a lot of blame at the media's feet for it reaching the fevered pitch it has become. Sure there are right wing outlets where extremists can unite and rant all day long, but when we take a look at "main stream" media outlets, they get a fiery failing grade from me on calling all that noise what it IS - EXTREME. Reporters anymore have become puppet storytellers. There is not one Walter Cronkite type left. I believe in "reporting" on the things these people say and threaten, etc, and not challenging what is happening across this country regarding same, they almost lend credence to the extremist's views in not decisively denouncing their views as crazy. When the ignorant who only rely on TV or radio hear these people's rants go unchallenged, merely "reported" on, what is there to counter it all in their minds if they don't go digging themselves for all the reasons the inflammatory rhetoric is overblown, invented conspiracy crap? There should almost be daily segments devoted to tearing down the theories presented by anyone on Fox, et al. Who is educating those who are influenced by the right wing that their boogeyman fear tactics are all lies and propaganda designed TO excite them to violence, or, at best, to deliberately influence them by stating their religion, or freedom, etc, are under "attack", constantly referencing communists or Marxists, etc, to beat into them that "liberals" are America's "enemies"? Democrats and media outlets have given the "crazy" a pass for far too long. Which legitimizes it to those receptive to their claims. It's high time it's officially countered Daily by solid reporting of Facts.
Ok. I'm done. Sorry for the rant. Just my humble opinion.
Ron Alexander Beautifully written Kristiana Owens- I am going to send this to my newspaper, who I was afraid would not publish my letter, and they publish the extremist letters all the time, despite their "guidelines." I am so grateful for your affirmation!

Pamela Pollard Arrington They ARE fearful! What is it that makes them so greedy, self absorbed and afraid? Ignorance?
Ron Alexander Thanks Pamela Pollard Arrington Lack of faith - no matter most of them called themselves "Christians". With faith, there is no fear and need for weapons. -see post above by Ra Divakar
To know the eternal [timeless] is called enlightenment.
Not to know the eternal is to act blindly to result in disaster.
He who knows the eternal is all-embracing.
Being all-embracing, he is impartial.
Being impartial, he is kingly [universal].
Being kingly, he is one with Nature.
Being one with nature, he is in accord with Tao.
Being in accord with Tao, he is everlasting,
And is free from danger throughout his lifetime (With this kind of faith, one would not feel the need for weapons, Ron)

Read more here:

Read more here:

Once social change begins, it cannot be reversed. You cannot un-educate the person who has learned to read. You cannot humiliate the person who feels pride. You cannot oppress the people who are not afraid anymore.
Cesar Chavez
Address to the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco, Nov. 9, 1984

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