Tuesday, January 22, 2013

What a Glorious Morning - Start of a New Era

 Good Morning America! What a glorious start of a new era! We are finally getting past the Reagan/Bush(I am the decider) era to the Clinton/Obama (We the People decide) era! Hoo-rah!

“Savor the moment people, savor the moment and get ready for a more progressive agenda this next four years. The President has taken his time to observe the issues, he has waited to see which parts of our economy needs fixing, which people in our society are still treated unequally, he has taken it upon himself to address the harsh commentary from the ridiculous promoters of the "Takers" agenda with something I am so happy he addressed them with, the future..not the now, not the past, not the real over indulged greedy takers that are ruining our country by trying to write our laws like ALEC, or lower our living standards like Walmart and other greedy employers who take profits and use government benefits in so that those who work for them can have enough to eat, a place to sleep, and insurance in case they get sick. Those that have so little power and influence in our society take, yes they take, but only what the greedy will allow them to take, and the greedy are constantly trying to limit what people are working their fingers to the bones to take...things they deserve, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, things they give up money from their paychecks each week, or each two weeks or once a month to have and then when they get to the age of eligibility, there are those that would call them takers and try to prevent them from getting what they have worked for and what they are due.
Politicians are also for all intents and purposes suppose to live from the taxes they pay, but these politicians are able to use the stock markets to their benefit by betting on insider information, information they are destined to vote on...by giving favors to those who pull their strings, by allowing those who have influence over them to send lobbyist to do the job they are suppose to be doing, yes, by allowing the wealthy to write legislation for the rest of us while they run around trying to figure out how to gerrymander their districts to make sure they can keep reaping from the cash cow they have set up for themselves.
Forward Mr. President, we are with you, help us turn this all around, help us solidify your place in history, give us the opportunity to back you on the agenda you indicated you would be actively pursuing and you will go down in history as one of the greatest Presidents this nation has ever seen. Much love to you and your family on this the morning after your history making occasion and this the beginning of what could possibly be heralded as the day America truly became the land of the FREE and the home of the BRAVE.”

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