Thursday, January 17, 2013

The "ego" made me do it!

  • The Belief That We Are Here To Make Others Happy Can Only Come From Our Ego 
  •  (I call that part the Pleaser instead of "ego") 

    Ra Divakar Good for the "ego" - called the "Earth Guide" by Gary Zukav!
  • Ra Divakar Our "ego" keeps us from wrecking our car and other practical everyday things. Like our "inner child" it does need to be watched and guided for the best - like helping others be more happy.
  • Ra Divakar Reflecting on this, I think that being a "pleaser" does not work, in fact, I know it doesn't! Thanks Living Consciously for the reminder. I still stand by what I said about "ego" as that term is being used like they many ministers in church as the "devil" or "satan" made me do it! Now it is used by most as "the ego made me do it!"

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