Thursday, January 24, 2013

Peace Be Still

Yesterday, I was reflecting on how peaceful I had been feeling lately. A lot of meditating and getting things accomplished. Later, I was walking out to my mailbox, when I noticed a large SUV driving past very slowly. I noticed they turned around, and was stopping in front of me as I reached the mailbox. A small gray haired lady driver asked me: "Remember me?" "Oh yea, Rose Malarky, nice to see you." She was a friend from my childhood, who I had fond memories of. There was a frowning big bald man beside her, so I introduce myself to him and Rose said "oh Ron this is Buck Wallace". I had a pleasant exhange with Rose, however surley Buck immediately started in on me with scathing comments that challenged my legal right to even live here in my house. I reacted back - "well, I have a good lawyer, and have you ever heard of being sued for harrassment." His eyes widened as Rose seemed to shrink in her seat. I recovered and told them how much work I had done on the house, and even invited them in to see how much nicer it looked inside. Rose, whose family has a small vacation house a couple of blocks away, has probably not been in the 40 year old house, my Father built, in 30 years at least. They still appeared shaken at my outburst and begged off, saying "Buck has an appointment and he piped in 'and I am already late.'" As they drove off, I noticed howgood I felt from my "righteous anger." And thought that Buck was not minding his own business, then I started paranoid thinking about how Rose appeared to agree with Buck with the look on her face when he asked about my "legality". Then I started thinking, Rose's brother-in-law is a lawyer and Buck may be a lawyer also or even worse a law enforcement officer. "Possibly, they even have eyes on the house for themselves, disappointed that I was still alive, as they knew 'I had almost died last year in the VA hospital."' So I decided to go over to the beach and meditate to attempt to recover my peace. There, however my monkey mind was going at full bore, and I could not concentrate, besides I was enjoying those "juices" flowing in my gut. While sitting there, I got out my new 2013 journal and started writing what I did not say to Rose especially, as I thought she would be more receptive. I was even thinking of going by their beach cabin, and letting her know what I was thinking about their "attack". Or I was going back to the house and write a note to her and leave it on her car. Back at the house, after I composed the note, I started thinking you know this is not really any of their business, and decided to send the note and an explanation to my lawyer, about the unwelcomed harassment in front of my house.
After writing, I had calmed somewhat, but still enjoying the energy, I decided to go back to chair I left on beach and finish the meditation. I had a brisk walk after meditating for about 20 mins. and meditated some more after the walk until it started to get colder with the sun going down. Later, I went to yoga, and even there noticed I could not settle down, even with the usually very calming "dead man's pose" to end the yoga session. I came back home and enjoyed the Big Bang Theory interspersed with watching Hillary strongly hold her own against the attacking tea party members.
I was still feeling restlless, however it was after 11 pm, which is later than I usually go to bed. In bed, I had a restless sleep with several waking moments with that "righteous" angry feeling, which was not so pleasant any more. Upon awaking, I realized the "angry righteous stirring" was actually caused by adrenaline. Then I remembered that the "adrenaline rush" was what many of us get addicted to starting with temper tantrums in childhood and encouraged in competitive sports and business later on. "I was enjoying something that took my peace away, however taking action like the writing and even this piece is what helps calm down again." Now, peace please!

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