Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Only Bliss, Love & Joy Beyond Concepts

I stand on the slender
Rock of faith
While chaos swirls
All around,
Yet I am not moved
For I know that
Change is but the promise
Of life's great unfolding
While beyond the screen-
Even beyond all that is apparent-
There is only
Bliss and love and joy,
So fear I not,
For That Which Is,
Is my foundation,
I stand eternal.  
 Donna Miesback
                          (Change is but the Promise in Daily Word - Unity)

Craig Moriarty: Most of my post are experiential and not conceptual. Not sure if that qualifies as an epiphany?
Ra Divakar: Definitely, epiphanies are beyond concepts!

View creation in the truth that it is, as the energy of creative love by which everything naturally functions, without fear, without expected rewards, in the beautiful peace of pure unity with all living things. This is the one true relationship with God. But mind and ego thrives under the illusion of a separate God, far off, pointing a finger of accusation, controlling the masses through priests and temples.
  • \

    Ra Divakar Oneness Awareness helps us to see that it is "just the mind" or "just the ego" - not Who We really Are! thanks Bobby!
  • Kris Vancil :
    When a person is in a state of consciousness of unconditional love, then the ego is no longer a is still there but is transcended through love.
    The ego is a tool that is needed for survival in this 3-D reality but as we unfold, we transcend the 3-D realm and live in a higher vibratory state of awareness.


  • Rob Jackson I've dealt with a lot of ego today... thanks for the lift Cap'n Ron.
  • Ron Alexander Hey Rob, I say - It's just ego, it not really Me! or It's just my judgement(criticism, striving, craving, longing, guilt), it is not Who I really Am!

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