Thursday, January 17, 2013

Knowing God Within is Nothing New

Photo: [Judaism, Islam and Christianity] and many others teach of a Creator who is separate from His creation.  So, the message here that Tomorrow’s God will be separate from nothing is a radical message.  It is also a very important one.  Perhaps the single most important message of the New Spirituality.  And it is the one element that is missing from most of the world’s theologies. 

It is the Missing Message.

--Tomorrow’s God by Neale Donald Walsch

[Judaism, Islam and Christianity] and many others teach of a Creator who is separate from His creation. So, the message here that Tomorrow’s God will be separate from nothing is a radical message. It is also a very important one. Perhaps... the single most important message of the New Spirituality. And it is the one element that is missing from most of the world’s theologies.
It is the Missing Message.--Tomorrow’s God by Neale Donald Walsch
Michele Sevacko: The message isn't new... New Thought is actually ancient wisdom... what is new is that people who traditionally have been in "mainstream" religions/denominations are starting to "get it" more and more... and, it's having a snowball effect. Add by Ron Alexander - Mystics of every religion have known of Source within for thousands of years!
Loving Unity: Is there a "tomorrow's God?" The Infinite is always Itself ALL THE TIME. It is we who project concepts of the ONE...often mostly in our own image. How DOES one converse with the ONE in whom we already live and move and have our being? Waking up, we find we ARE that ONE part and parcel, heart and soul. Never ever separate. This is nothing new, this knowing. But the projected concepts have changed over time, moving from ridiculousness to ridiculousness.... Only the ONE....the good news is I AM LOVE.

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