Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Universe is Breathing Through Us

The whole universe is breathing as our breath; we limit the process by our assumption that we are doing the breathing.
Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan(
Alchemical Wisdom

Let the Universe Breath Through You. What is meditation? When you empty yourself and let the universe come in you. -Author unknown ...
Friend: I'm jealous that you've been having some good solo meditation. I've slacked off while I've been away from home.
Hi dear Friend, My breathing "problem" is a gift that keeps on giving, and the SunLight is so important, so I have been meditating alot outdoors in backyard or even more at the nearbye beach, with the nice ocean breeze enhancing my deep breathing. Counting down my deep breaths (More Pranayama than Vipassana), really gets my energy going and then I AM BACK TO WALKING adding a block or two each time. And my relationship has gotten much better thanks to I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you - perfect for Christmas AM, as I was in a bad mood when she came upstairs, and said something that upset her, so since I know now, that it was a problem I created, I swallowed my pride, and she gratefully "forgave me"! Yeah, it works!  I really appreciate our dialogue, Friend and I do use parts of the Ho'Oponopono Prayer for a mantra along with counting down the breathe usually "thank you" however from the mantra part reminds me of whole prayer! I am so grateful to you  and our Friendship, May all beings be happy.  Metta, Peace, ron

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