Friday, December 21, 2012

The Shift Remembered 12.21.2012

Photo: The Shift Remembered 12.21.2012

A thousand years from now
If they remember us, or speak of us at all
May their words be gentle and kind
If they should remember this Miracle Time
Perhaps they’ll say of Us: 

“They were prophets, poets, priests and priestesses
Conjurers, magicians, and seers
Cosmic visionaries with Third Eye sight
Vagabonds, gypsies, restless wanderers
Star Seeds and path finders
Warriors, dreamers, lovers
Guides, shepherds, way showers
Mystics, knowers, and avatars”

Or simply, ages and ages hence
They’ll just muse in silence
Marveling that we found a way, to climb the Fence
    ~♥ By Keith Overstreet  ~ I love you Divine Ones~

The Shift Remembered 12.21.2012

A thousand years from now
If they remember us, or speak of us at all
May their words be gentle and kind
If they should remember this Miracle Time
... Perhaps they’ll say of Us:

“They were prophets, poets, priests and priestesses
Conjurers, magicians, and seers
Cosmic visionaries with Third Eye sight
Vagabonds, gypsies, restless wanderers
Star Seeds and path finders
Warriors, dreamers, lovers
Guides, shepherds, way showers
Mystics, knowers, and avatars”

Or simply, ages and ages hence
They’ll just muse in silence
Marveling that we found a way, to climb the Fence
~♥ By Keith Overstreet ~ I love you Divine Ones
Sheila Saunders Smith: I'm reading those heart opening words and just glowing and then... the last line appears to crown it so beautifully.
Keith Overstreet: Ohhhh... THANK YOU ALL, my precious Star Beings :)))) I am so happy you liked my graphic and poem... I am so humbled to be a little part of this amazing, Miracle Moment... celebrating! dancing! what a beautiful Time.... wow... "... Marveling that we found a way, to climb the Fence... " YEssSSSS~!!!!!~!

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