Friday, December 21, 2012

The Past Has No Power over the Present

The best way I have found to heal the past is the Ho'Oponopono Prayer.  "I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you. I love you." I am reading Mabel Katz's new book THE EASIEST WAY! She is now most respected Ho'Oponopono teacher studying with Dr. Hew Lin for 11 years and she is also recommended by well known workshop leader Joe Vitale.
Mabel teaches that you are responsible for your own healing you are really forgiving yourself.

(Since we are all One In Reality, when we forgive ourself, we forgive All of Us. Ron Alexanders' words)

I'm sorry, please forgive me for whatever is going on in me that has created this.

And this is like Praying without Ceasing, as it has to be used moment by moment for the clearing, purifying that needs to take place.

Mabel calls the self-forgiveness process "erasing (memories) or cleaning."Jesus said we need to "renew the mind to live in the Kingdom on Earth."
Buddha said we need to "purify the mind to end suffering."

~ As more goodness and Love there is in our hearts, so less things we'll have to forgive, my friend. The treasure is within the heart! ...and the Light!!! Rodolfos Eleftheriadis

In Reality, you are right Rodolfos, however in this reality here on earth, there are so many thoughts and memories per minute, that forgiving in moment by moment mindfulness is very healing, purifying, cleaning, erasing. And I am for For Giving Love!
Ron Alexander

I am meditating more and more especially out in sun. I went to a yoga nidra (conscious sleep) and there learned to count my breaths starting with 43 backwards, and that has helped me concentrate on the deep breathing I need to do. Plus, I have the latest book on Ho'Oponopono The Easiest Way - and that is about forgiving yourself moment to moment with all the thoughts and memories we have coming in every moment. And that has really helped me. Also, she recommends just using part ot the prayer "I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you." for a mantra which makes it much easier to "Pray without Ceasing."
I've been using the short version of the prayer you mentioned, shared it with some of my clients. It's really powerful.

Thanks , what I have really learned from Mabel Katz is that it is really for ourselves and then I added - "if we are all One, when you do it for yourself, you are forgiving All!" One Love, ron


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