Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Essence of Life Itself - The Answer to Everything~

Photo: <3 Lovely Rose<3
Life can bring you a bitter taste of pain,
but you soul has tasted it before.
Let the alchemy within transform it--
sometimes the biggest pain creates the sweetest spot~
for fertile growth,
deeper love,...

soul stretching.

 Keenan W Robinson
Crank it Up! Zoom zoom in the upper and the lower rooms spread the power of love where ever your steps may guide you from within. Peace ya!
Bobby Hinkle: The more you love, the less you judge.

James Buik
: "The less we judge the less cause we will have to "sweat" the small stuff & in turn our days will grow brighter, with more chances of serendipity arising. Yes unconditional love does have its rewards."

James Buik

I am far, far from perfect, but after 82 yrs of life this is something I am slowly beginning to grasp...why does it take so darn long? Guess it would cramp the adventure of living.

Just graspiing the 'sweat the small stuff" NOT! thanks for reinforcing my newly found philosophy of life (part of it) NEVER TOO LATE TO LEARN! I am 68 my new friend and feel like a babe in the woods as far as relationships are concerned. My newer found aid is the Ho'Oponopono Prayer of forgiveness - "I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you." Like Praying without ceasing, for me it needs to be said very often, thanks for supporting and inspiring me James, ron

We who are still able to hold unto our hopes for a peaceful world, must hang together in kinship with one another as well as kinship with all life. James Bulk


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