Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Peace Within IS World Peace.

"I wish you peace beyond understanding because, peace
within IS world peace."

Aloha Ron
So here we are, and the whole group has arrived. And, all my
concerns have found their own solutions. There were two
Russian ladies in my group that did not speak English. But,
guess what? One of them speaks and understands Spanish,
and our tour guide speaks Russian! Even our tour operator
was surprised, as she didn't know our guide spoke Russian.
An incredible coincidence, or was it?
Everyone really enjoyed Tel Aviv today. I personally love
this city. Now they are all shopping and walking around.
Free time!
I came to a coffee place on the beach, 3 minutes from our
hotel to write and connect with you. I wanted to take a
moment to remind you that the New Age, for which we have
all been waiting for, is about to arrive. We are about to
approach the Beginning of a magical Era.  The New Age
of Peace and abundance is about to unfold, and I want to
make sure you are ready to embrace it!
It is important that we enter this New Era lighter. By any
chance, are you holding on to any upset, judgments, beliefs
and opinions, or something or somebody you cannot forgive?
No matter how small or inconsequential it seems, you must
let it go.   If you still have it in your mind, is time to
release it, to transmute it.
This is an exciting time to become YOU again.  And to become
conscious, present and aware, so you can correct errors and
set yourself free. Trust, God and the goodness of His
Universe are here to support you all the way.
We are going to hold a Ho'oponopono training in Jerusalem
in English and Spanish, where you can participate in person
or in absentee on December 21st.
More doors keep opening for us here too. We are going to
participate in a Peace concert in Jerusalem on the 22nd and
another one in Bethlehem on the 24th.
Please, be willing to let go of the confusion, the depression,
the victimization, the suffering and the blaming. In this
New Era it will be more difficult to stay asleep, or to go
against the flow, so do not resist it.
Let's all wake-up to the New Era of Enlightenment.
Remember, the only way to light is by not resisting darkness,
but by illuminating it.
I wish you peace beyond understanding because, peace
within IS world peace                               Mabel Katz

I am reading Mabel Katz's new book THE EASIEST WAY!  She is now most respected Ho'Oponopono teacher studying with Dr. Hew Lin for 11 years and she is also recommended  by well known workshop leader Joe Vitale.

I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you!
Mabel teaches that you are responsible for your own healing you are really forgiving yourself.

(Since we are all One In Reality, when we forgive ourself, we forgive All of Us. Ron Alexanders' words)

I'm sorry,  please forgive me for whatever is going on in me that has created this.

And this is like Praying without Ceasing, as it has to be used moment by moment for the clearing, purifying that needs to take place.

Mabel calls the self-forgiveness process "erasing (memories) or cleaning."Jesus said we need to "renew the mind to live in the Kingdom on Earth."
Buddha said we need to "purify the mind to end suffering."

~ As more goodness and Love there is in our hearts, so less things we'll have to forgive, my friend. The treasure is within the heart! ...and the Light!!! Rodolfos Eleftheriadis

In Reality, you are right Rodolfos, however in this reality here on earth, there are so many thoughts and memories per minute, that forgiving in moment by moment mindfulness is very healing, purifying, cleaning, erasing. And I am for For Giving Love!
Ron Alexander

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