Sunday, December 16, 2012


Photo: I believe, ladies and gentlemen, we have our rally cry. It's time to stand up behind our's now or never.

I'm in. What say you? - vince
Most of us look at our ideals, say how far we are from them, and get depressed. But it is heroic simply to say, "Here are my ideals," state them before the world, and then spend your life trying to live up to them.  Keshavan Nair(
"We cannot tolerate this anymore. These tragedies must end!"
The NRA needs to get some common sense, and allow auto weapons be made illegal, and other much stricter gun laws. Mental Health needs much stronger backing and fundiing! Institutions, closed down starting with Reagan, need to be rebuilt with a compassionale yet tough love therapy/counseling and strong but flexible boundaries.
James Johnson:'s not a "gun culture"... it's our Military Culture... we can't spend half of your yearly tax dollars on funding the worlds largest military for decades and then fail to understand the repercussions of doing so... if complex answers seem to make simple problems un-fixable... those problems have been fueled by a lot of money... over a long period of time... there is surely enough blame to go around.. but this culture of war that we have allowed to grow is pretty much at the root of the problem...I agree with above however I think our "gun culture" is a subset of the "military culture, ron.
LIKE: James Johnson "...If we are every to achieve greatness as a Nation we are going to have to confront the root of our self made culture by being more trusting that as a Nation we can't shoot and bomb our way out of every problem ... our military spending has robbed all of us in more way than we realize... it is going to take a National Dialog to address a new direction or even a way out of those addicted to the money being spent on defense."
WASHINGTON -- Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), one of the strongest backers of the National Rifle Association (NRA) in the Democratic Party, said it is time to sit down and have a "sensible, reasonable" debate about gun control in light of the massacre in Newtown, Conn., and expressed an openness to banning assault weapons.
"It's time to move beyond rhetoric. We need to sit down and have a common-sense discussion and move in a reasonable way. ... Everything has to be on the table," Manchin said in an interview on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Monday, adding that he had just come from deer hunting with his family.

Live by the gun, die by the gun! I am so thankful that my Mom would not let my Dad, an ex-marine have anything to do with guns. Bless her heart!

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