Monday, December 10, 2012

I Am Rejuvenated, not retired!

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rejuvenation is the hypothetical reversal of the aging process.
Rejuvenation is distinct from life extension. Life extension strategies often study the causes of aging and try to oppose those causes in order to slow aging. Rejuvenation is the reversal of aging and thus requires a different strategy, namely repair of the damage that is associated with aging or replacement of damaged tissue with new tissue. Rejuvenation can be a means of life extension, but most life extension strategies do not involve rejuvenation.
re·ju·ve·nate (r-jv-nt)
tr.v. re·ju·ve·nat·ed, re·ju·ve·nat·ing, re·ju·ve·nates
1. To restore to youthful vigor or appearance; make young again


  1. Having left one's job and ceased to work.
  2. (of a place) Quiet and secluded; not seen or frequented by many people.

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