Monday, December 31, 2012

Relax and Enjoy Each Moment as a Miracle

To me every hour of the light and dark is a miracle. Every cubic inch of space is a miracle.
Walt Whitman
Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. --Psalm 16:11

Anatoly Petrenko Every moment is a state of probability, choice is an act of wisdom. Wishing for more calm clarity to discern each moment!
Ron Alexander Ho! I really respect your profound replies Anatoly - I am sharing it on original post on my wall. thanks, ron!

  • Anatoly Petrenko I'm glad and grateful Ron for your great quality of ignition.
    Celebrate, share and inspire others to turn their thinking away from addiction to suffering.

  • Ron Alexander hmm?? " suffering"? I guess you mean *&" instead of "to"?

  • Anatoly Petrenko No Ron, there's a deeper arrow here pointing to the circular nature of suffering — addiction to doing the same and expecting different results. Seeking for cause of happiness in external objects instead of changing one's thinking is an addiction.

    Ron Alexander Hmm, respectfully, my purpose is just the opposite - to help "changing one's thinking" starting with my own - every moment - Deep Awareness is the realization of all the input coming in with memories, judgement, criticism, ... and using Prayer without Ceasing or Meditation Moment to Moment, Mindfulness to move to emptiness, nothingness which is Pure Timeless Bliss called Nirvana or experiencing Heaven On Earth! I am grateful Anatoly for your "igniting" what Reality and Self is to me. Possibly, you have misread my posts or I have misread your comment?

    Anatoly: I see no opposition, you just moved into explaining the stage of the path.
    We obviously not reading something as it
    I intended to highlight that suffering is perpetuated through addiction to ignorance of seeing happiness as external factor.
    And you explained above exactly the path you're using to generate causes of happiness, which are our very thinking — internal
    Not opposite even a degree. Lol

    Ron: Yea, I really appreciate our dialogue (vs. discussion) to help clarify my evolving purpose!

  • Anatoly Petrenko Rich and beautiful is the energy of wisdom, your igniting skills are a boon!
  • Friend: ...Struggling with some negative thoughts and feelings. Hope to go to ... Namaste,

    Ron Alexander

    Just knowing your thoughts of "suffering" is big step - try praying without ceasing or meditating moment by moment the forgiveness prayer for your self! Happy New Year! metta my friend!, ron

    Cherishing Others More than Oneself , Dalai Lama
     The precious awakening mind of bodhicitta, which cherishes other sentient beings more than oneself, is the pillar of the bodhisattva’s practice – the path of the great vehicle.
    To cultivate this great compassion within ourselves, first of all we need to develop what is called loving-kindness, a feeling of connectedness or closeness with all living creatures. This closeness and intimacy should not be confused with the kind of feeling we normally have toward our loved ones, which is tainted by attachment…ego and selfishness. On the contrary, we are seeking to develop a feeling of closeness towards other sentient beings, and affection for them, by reflecting on the fact that suffering is inherent in their very nature, on the helplessness of their situation, and on the instinctive desire they all have to overcome suffering.


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      2. Thanks Anonymous I am a psychotherapist, and I maintain that without Deep Awareness through meditation, psychotherapy is a bandaid. As Jung presents, the combo, if balance, it can be very helpful... thanks for commenting!
