Thursday, December 20, 2012

Divine Love in One Universal Being

Within the deepest chamber of every spiritual heart,
far beyond any measure,
glows an inextinguishable flame of Divine LOVE. ♥

Photo: Within the deepest chamber of every spiritual heart, 
far beyond any measure, 
glows an inextinguishable flame of Divine LOVE. <3

Rodolfos Eleftheriadis: This spiritual chamber in our hearts is the highest level of evolution and consciousness. In that level we are All connected through LOVE in ONE Universal Being! That is the ultimate Reality and Truth in eternity! Everything else in the phenomenal ephemeral world is just passing dream of the One!
I learn to live each moment by Praying without Ceasing. My prayer is the ancient Ho'oponopono Prayer - "I am sorry, please forgive me, thank you. I love you." Since we are all One, I self forgive, and All of Us are forgiven. thanks dear Bent Kim Lundberg & Rodolfos Eleftheriadis for helping me remember One Love, our Natural State! Ron Alexander

~ As more goodness and Love there is in our hearts, so less things we'll have to forgive, my friend. The treasure is within the heart! ...and the Light!!! Rodolfos Eleftheriadis

In Reality, you are right Rodolfos, however in this reality here on earth, there are so many thoughts and memories per minute, that forgiving in moment by moment mindfulness is very healing, purifying, cleaning, erasing. And I am for For Giving Love! Ron Alexander

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