Saturday, December 22, 2012

Defenselessness - Where My Safety Lies

I watched parts of the last 3 episodes of the Survivor. I was surprised when the tiny middle-aged woman won. She looked almost emaciated, however she was in good shape, so I figure she must have been a runner.  Some of her fellow colleagues, who were voted out, appeared to hate her. One called her an "appeasing bitch" - "you are always agreeing, appeasing, not judging, but you must be doing something behind our back to survive!"  She did not even get defensive when that was thrown at her. And that is why I think she won -  "In my defenselessness, my safety lies." ACIM  Peace, Ron Alexander

(There is no problem. Good and bad are parameters we create in our own mind. As long as we love and take care of ourselves, we will love and take care of others as well.)
Now how does one become non-defensive?  Instead of reacting, we let go and trust God (Love or Source) to respond. Take 100% responsibility.  Repeat the Ho'Oponopono prayer - I am sorry, please forgive me for whatever is going on in me that is creating this. Thank you, I love you." Or at least part of it like "thank you (for helping me practice being defenseless), and keep repeating thank you, thank you or "love you" silently over and over.

Remind yourself "I am creating this, they are my thoughts of the other person. It is a product of my own programming, my recording, my perception, I can erase this." Simple process gives me peace beyond words. Why? Because I don't stay trapped in thoughts like 'how could they say that to me or why did they talk to me like that?'  I don't expect the other person to change or to react in a certain way. I don't depend on anyone or anything outside myself. WHAT A RELIEF.  I learn to understand and respect that we all have a free will and not all of us choose the same things. There is no problem. Good and bad are parameters we create in our own mind. As long as we love and take care of ourselves, we will love and take care of others as well. (Paraphrased from Mabel Katz's THE EASIEST WAY  with gratitude).
Ron Alexander Thanks for sharing this Jaci - it may have been my best post about relationships? " Happy Holy Days! ron
  • Jaci Dunsford Thank you Ron. To give and to receive are one in truth.... and so likewise.
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