Monday, December 3, 2012

Completion Portals

As we come closer to 12/12 and 12/21 for our "completion portals," know that the energies are building to bring more awareness to what we still are urged to let go of. Take a look at where you are still attached. How do you know you're attached? It is when you look outside yourself for confirmation and/or are in judgment about how a situation or person responds to you or how you are judging yourse...
lf. It is an expectation you have for how you think things SHOULD be, rather than allowing What Is. The energies and your Soul and Angels are continuing to show you where you are still holding on. The feeling of this will be uncomfortable, for the old simply does not feel good amongst all the Light you are. So continue releasing anything that is not Love or congruent with who you know you truly are...Divine Love.
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— with Maribel Pesante

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