Sunday, November 18, 2012

You Have a Beautiful Strong Ego

 Did I ever tell you that your have a "beautiful strong ego"? 
A spiritual person tries less to be godly than to be deeply human.
Rev. William
 Sloane Coffin, Jr.
Paula ..., the lady who had two lung transplants, told me that when she was trying to "lose her ego", she felt abused and confused. She confessed that to senior minister Rev. Mary Anne, and the good Rev. told her to pray for God to give it back to her!

Again, our wonderful Unity minister, who states he does not believe the "devil" made you make mistakes, reiterated that he thinks the ego, a deep pain, or wounded place within us makes us make mistakes. After the service, he graciously has the microphone passed around. Since I usually offend people, when I defend the ego, I thought of a way to make it more palatable. So I started with,
"You know, Rev. I love you, however you must have a BEAUTIFUL STRONG EGO to run a great church like this. And I said I believe in St. Francis, when he say "it is in dying to the self, that we are born to Eternal Life." and that you can replace "ego' with "self", however you must be ready for "Eternal Life", as here on earth in our bodies with need our ego. Rev. Ed, was very grateful, he said, smilingly, I agree Ron, thanks for reminding me again! I should say an 'unhealthy ego'", with that I agreed with. An unhealthy unbalanced ego is too strong (egoist, egotistical) or too weak like many of us!
One thing for sure, is that SPIRIT has no ego. However, to fully realize SPIRIT, one must have complete support (like some Masters, who have people who feed them, drive them, clothe them, and most of these "Gods on Earth" are some of the most egotistical people I have met) or the easiest way to be out of this body, and for most of us off the Earth).
Love it: sharing - thanks so much Jean Mitchell - :) Spirit I agree is ego less but we need do we not a healthy balance for our Higher self to exist in duality the little ego self is concerned only material things, the Higher self Maybe I still remember what Ralph Blume said in his book The Rune Stones.......Lift up the self by the Self
And don't let the self drop down,
For the Self is the self's only friend
And the self is the Self's only foe. (Now that is the paradox!)

Think Krishna did not have a strong beautiful ego?
Or Jesus when he cleaned out the temple?
Ron Alexander To be an inspirational supportive poster here on fb, you must have a beautiful strong ego, to want to do the work required to do this. To take pride in your writings, your feedback, your feeling of satisfaction when people give you positive feedback. To be aware of trying not to hurt other people's feelings, to help them lead a deeper more spiritual life - to feel better about themselves!
Or not to take things personally when they do not like your post - finally, I think I have learned to defend ego without being offensive to many?!

Jean Mitchell Wow thank you my dear friend, I totally agree we do need our ego from the higher Self and not the little ego self as so many use it today. Love you dearly my friend thank you for sharing and tagging me in this awesome post. Strangely I was contemplating this very thing today, I looked at all the scars my body has, all healed and felt a kinda satisfaction and inner glow that I had transcended so much ego feelings that caused me pain in the past, that actually hurt my physical form, purely because I thought ego was bad and feelings had to be controlled and hidden, after much self counselling and learning via my dear friends like you here on Facebook i am liberated from the lower ego self and elevated by the higher ego Self Bless you Namaste.
Ron Alexander Thanks Jean, or not to take things personally when they do not like your post - finally, I think I have learned to defend ego without being offensive to mae

  • Jean Mitchell :) yes you and me both, bless you, yet you gave more than that in the post you shared, it resonated with me, I am learning to 'Be ' to be me...oneself it is the greatest gift we can give another whether or not they agree.Ron Alexander Actually there is no ego in Spirit, it is just while we are in this body, we need a well-balanced one just to survive here. We don't want a weak or too strong unhealthy ego. If we have one that appears to cause us to be egotistical, it means that it is really too weak, and we are trying to overcome that weakness. Whatever, ultimalely Spirit is the answer, but while in this body, a healthy ego asks the question. Congratulations on all your healing dear Jean!

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