Friday, November 16, 2012

World Oneness Peace Love Joy

Photo: When you realize that anyONE wants their family to live in PEACE, LOVE, FREEDOM and have an abundant LIFE using their personal talents to create a fulfilling LIFE experience, it becomes obvious that the main thing that parts us is who we see as our family. We are ONE family, ONE world and ONE being, and remembering this will solve most of humanity's problems.

It is not the people of any nation that wish or create conflict. It is the leaders, the weapons providers, and the media controlled by economic interests that separate us. We have waged war against each other for ten thousands of years claiming we wanted to create PEACE. It is obvious that this has never worked. We must choose to be PEACE, and demand PEACE efforts from our leaders.

Almost all of humanity wish that their family and friends can live and grow in PEACE, prosperity and have all needed for a dignified LIFE, and most of humanity wish the same for the rest of humanity too. 

I do not buy into the notion that North Koreans or Iranians or Israelis or Palestinians or Americans or whatever are 'bad' people. And as soon as we understand that all humans wish for PEACE, the people of the Earth have the possibility to stand together and demand leadership that create this. 

It is time that we stop sending our kids out to kill other kids and be killed. And it is high time that we all stand up for PEACE, and stop believing that another country is filled with persons that do not wish for PEACE. That is the big lie that keep the economic interests in war going. 

I stand with all of humanity in sending LOVE and PEACE to all other human beings. And I hold Israel and Palestine in the LOVE of my heart right NOW, holding a shield of LOVE over them. And I hold the rest of humanity also in the LOVE of my heart, but particularly those in troubled areas.

It is time we all use the creative power of LOVE from our hearts to do what works. Bless every single ONE of you, no matter who you are, and what you believe in. I believe in you, and you cannot be my enemy, for I see that you are me and that we are ONE family.  

I LOVE you all
Bent Kim Lundberg

When you realize that anyONE wants their family to live in PEACE, LOVE, FREEDOM and have an abundant LIFE using their personal talents to create a fulfilling LIFE experience, it becomes obvious that the main thing that parts us is who we se...
e as our family. We are ONE family, ONE world and ONE being, and remembering this will solve most of humanity's problems.

It is not the people of any nation that wish or create conflict. It is the leaders, the weapons providers, and the media controlled by economic interests that separate us. We have waged war against each other for ten thousands of years claiming we wanted to create PEACE. It is obvious that this has never worked. We must choose to be PEACE, and demand PEACE efforts from our leaders.

Almost all of humanity wish that their family and friends can live and grow in PEACE, prosperity and have all needed for a dignified LIFE, and most of humanity wish the same for the rest of humanity too.

I do not buy into the notion that North Koreans or Iranians or Israelis or Palestinians or Americans or whatever are 'bad' people. And as soon as we understand that all humans wish for PEACE, the people of the Earth have the possibility to stand together and demand leadership that create this.

It is time that we stop sending our kids out to kill other kids and be killed. And it is high time that we all stand up for PEACE, and stop believing that another country is filled with persons that do not wish for PEACE. That is the big lie that keep the economic interests in war going.

I stand with all of humanity in sending LOVE and PEACE to all other human beings. And I hold Israel and Palestine in the LOVE of my heart right NOW, holding a shield of LOVE over them. And I hold the rest of humanity also in the LOVE of my heart, but particularly those in troubled areas.

It is time we all use the creative power of LOVE from our hearts to do what works. Bless every single ONE of you, no matter who you are, and what you believe in. I believe in you, and you cannot be my enemy, for I see that you are me and that we are ONE family.

I LOVE you all
Bent Kim Lundberg

 If there is to be peace in the world,
There must be peace in the nations.
If there is to be peace in the nations,
There must be peace in the cities.
If there is to be peace in the cities,
There must be peace between neighbors.
If there is to be peace between neighbors,
There must be peace in the home.
If there is to be peace in the home,
There must be peace in the heart.
Lao Tzu ~

Ron Alexander: Thanks so much Bent for
graciously sharing to me and
around the World

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